Get to know me, like a friend!

Get to know me, like a friend!

Hello, Hi! 

One of the things that I struggle with about social media and the *interwebs*, is that it's harder for me to connect with brands, businesses, or creators that don't show their face or their name. Is that how you feel too? 

I'm sure I'm not alone in this, which is why I think it's so important for SpiritnSprout to not *just be* SpiritnSprout, but a vibrant community led by me, Marina! People see my face, and can easily find my name and to me, that makes a big difference. I don't particularly enjoy to be SEEN, but I do love making connections, no matter the distance between us. 

So hey, haha, it's me. I want to share a bit about me so we can be friends. :)

I'm a type-A oldest daughter, as well as a wife and a mom. I LOVE peanut butter and zombie movies. My family and I currently reside in Utah and love being close to the mountains and lakes and all of the beautiful things. One of our favorite things is going on cruises, but we also love to be home with ZERO plans and to just relax and turn on a show.

Here are a few more questions to get to know me better!

What was your first paying job? - I started teaching piano lessons when I was in Jr. High. Growing up I was known for my piano abilities.

Who inspires you? Sharonsaysso on Instagram, she's just so cool.

Do you like traveling? - YES

What's the best place you've traveled to? - I used to always LOVE Oregon, but last year we did a road trip to Chicago and that was such a fun city. Can't wait to go back!

Do you like reading? What Genre? - I love reading! My favorite genre is Romantasy. (Think Sarah J Mass lol)

What's the most exciting part of your job? - I love love love when I get a sample delivered to me and it's exactly as I had imagined it to be. It's so fun to see it and interact with it in person, and it always leaves me feeling so proud of all I have accomplished.

Where did you work before SpiritnSprout? - I worked at Conservice, it's a local company that does utility billing world-wide. It was, meh. Haha

What's something you're proud of? - My daughter, she's so silly and smart and I am proud of bringing her into the world.

What's your favorite food? - Mexican food!! I love a good smothered burrito, tamale, or flautas. Plus beans and rice?? So good *chef's kiss*

What's your favorite movie? - I always answer this question with my three pillar movies haha they're all so SO different. Proposal, UP, and World War Z.

Do you have any pets? - Our goldendoodle Tiki, she's the best! We also have a border collie mix, Luigi, but he's getting very old (16 years).

Are you a coffee or tea person? - Coffee!

What's something you find challenging about your work? - Finding a good work/life balance is very challenging, it's something I try to work on every day.

Do you have any hidden talents or hobbies? - Besides playing the piano, I think I'm very good at making desserts.

What's one thing you're really bad at? Geography. I am terrible. 

What's one thing you're really good at? Organizing things and making lists.

What show are you currently binge-watching? Fear the Walking Dead by myself, and Bridgerton with my hubby.

What did you want to be when you grew up? I always wanted to be an Editor. Then in college I took my first high school class and I don't know if the teacher was bad or what, but I switched majors before the next semester.

What's your least favorite chore around the house? - Cleaning the toilet

What's one mom-hack that saves you time? - One of the little sayings that sticks in my head is "put it AWAY, not DOWN". I'm not always 100% at it, but it helps me keep things more organized.

What's your favorite season? - I live in Utah and have my whole life, so we get all four seasons (sometimes in random order lol). But my most favorite season is the CHANGING seasons. I love the breath of fresh air and change.

If you read all of that, you are the real MVP. I hope that gives you a bit of insight into who I am and what I'm all about! I hope you stick around! Feel free to follow me on Instagram @shopspiritnsprout or Tiktok @spiritnsprout to watch my shenanigans unfold, learn new tips and tricks, get secret social media discounts, and more!

XOXO - Marina :)


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